Book Studies and other Staff-Initiated PD
On occasion, our teachers and administrators have reached out for information on how to start a book study or other types of professional development activities. This PD Proposal for Ongoing Staff-Initiated Professional Development google form is available for WRSD educators who are volunteering to facilitate an activity outside of contracted hours for other WRSD staff to earn PDPs. This form is to be used for PD offerings that do NOT take place during the full day PD days or half days. Please consult DESE Recertification Guidelines and DESE High Quality Professional Development standards for more information.
Summary of the 2022-2023 WRSD PD Survey Results
Thank you for participating in our 2022-2023 Professional Development Survey this spring. We had 296 responses and appreciate your input. This year, we based our survey on the ten standards of High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) developed by DESE, with further description that can be found in this document downloaded from the DESE website. These survey results will also be considered as we develop our new Strategic Plan during the 2023-2024 school year!
The results from the survey questions are below:
2. The use of in-service full days this school year allowed for beneficial professional development to occur.

3. The use of in-service 1/2 days this school year allowed for beneficial, building-based or district-based professional development to occur.

4. An appropriate amount of time is provided for professional development throughout the school year.


The top three standards of HQPD that staff felt our current professional development offerings do the best job at meeting were:
* HQPD is taught or facilitated by a professional who is knowledgeable about the identified objectives.
* HQPD promotes collaboration among educators to encourage sharing of ideas and working together to achieve the identified goals and objectives.
* HQPD aligns with state, district, school, and/or educator goals or priorities.