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Gr. K-5 Math Program Upgrade: Eureka Math Squared 

Dear Grade K-5 Teachers,

Great news!  We have recently received samples of the new updated Eureka Math2 Program (© 2021), and our district will be able to upgrade our licenses and materials to the newest version of the program for August of 2023!

A team of school and district administrators looked at the updated Eureka Math2 Program and reviewed recently posted ratings on EdReports.  This new version, which has the same instructional philosophy of Eureka Math, has already been nationally reviewed and meets all expectations.  The Eureka Math2 Program actually rated higher on Rigor and Mathematical Practices compared to Eureka Math.  We also found that the new resources address some of the teacher and student usability challenges identified by WRSD staff in the past.  It is visually more student friendly and includes improved pacing, differentiation and scaffolding which will provide better accessibility for all students.  There are also only two student consumables per unit, instead of three.

Sample kits have been sent to the principals of each of our schools with students in Grades K-5.  If you haven’t already, please take a look if you have a chance.  Information about upcoming professional development to help teachers use the curriculum most effectively will be forthcoming; in the meantime, teachers can preview the online program using the demo account information below:

Eureka Math² Demo Accounts


Teacher Account Information
Eureka Math Squared


Student Account Information
Eureka Math Squared



Premium Assessment Demo Accounts

Teacher Account Information

Premium Assessments

Student Account Information

Premium Assessments

Posted by jane_daly On 08 June, 2023 at 11:14 AM