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November 2,2021 Meeting Links & PD Survey 

To PreK-8 Staff,

To confirm, teachers will report to their buildings and join remotely. 

The day will run from 8:00 AM-2:50 PM, and will be divided into three 2-hour sessions, and 30 minutes for lunch.  The schedule for the day is below:

Session 1

  8:00 AM - 10:00 AM


10:00 AM - 10:10 AM

Session 2

10:10 AM - 12:10 PM


12:10 PM - 12:40 PM

Session 3

12:40 PM - 2:40 PM

Reflection/PD Survey

2:40 PM - 2:50 PM


Please access meeting links and any attachments/handouts in TeachPoint (directions can be found here).

Here is a link to the PD survey: Please complete this survey at the end of the day on 11/2 to provide us with feedback on how the day went and offer suggestions for the future. 
As a reminder, you can also view our Fall 2021 WREA PD Committee SMORE Update for information on how to propose requests for the May 9th PD.

Here's to an inspiring day of learning together!

Posted by jane_daly On 02 November, 2021 at 12:40 PM