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DESE Civics Project Updates 

Civics Project Virtual Support Forums:

The Department will hold Civics Project Virtual Support Forums this winter and spring to engage educators in collaborative problem-solving and support their continued professional learning related to project planning and implementation throughout the year. The forums will be co-facilitated by two Massachusetts Civics Fellows, teachers experienced in planning and implementing non-partisan, student-led civics projects. The first forum will be at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 15 and will focus on planning and organizing projects. Please register for each session separately using the links on this page. Please email Kathryn Gabriele with any questions.

Civics Project Resource Library:

The Department is building a library of resources to support the planning and implementation of non-partisan, student-led, civics projects in both grade 8 and high school. The Department is looking for teacher-created project materials and examples of student work. Teachers who have potential examples to share can submit them using this form by Friday, March 4. Please email Kathryn Gabriele with any questions.
Revised Civics Project Guidebook now available: Links for both the revised downloadable Word version and the online version of the revised Civics Project Guidebook can be found on DESE’s  history, social science and civics webpage. The revisions were a collaborative effort, informed by educator voice, and focused on the inclusion of best practices and resources for meaningfully engaging English learners and students with disabilities. The revisions also expand the focus on culturally responsive teaching to frame every stage of the project in a culturally responsive way.

Posted by jane_daly On 08 February, 2022 at 11:44 AM