We are pleased to present our professional development offerings for the May 9th District Professional Development Day (linked here). The day will run from 8:00 AM-2:30 PM, will be divided into three 2-hour sessions, and will include 30 minutes for lunch. Similar to the fall professional development day, staff will report to their buildings for these virtual sessions. In the rare instance that a session is being held in person, the location will be noted in the attached spreadsheet and in Vector/Teachpoint. The listing provides a wide variety of offerings for you to choose from in setting up your own PD schedule for May 9th. As you build your day, you are asked to select enough courses to provide you with a total of 6 hours of professional development.
In the listing, you will find a description of all of the PD offerings, which you will be able to register for in Vector/TeachPoint starting on the afternoon of March 31. Directions for how to sign up for a course in Vector/TeachPoint can be found by following this link. Course registration in Vector/TeachPoint will open at 4:30 PM on Thursday, March 31 and will close on Friday, April 8th at 4:30 PM. Please be aware that some courses have a limitation on the number of participants and these will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Please be advised that beginning tomorrow, the professional development portion of Vector/TeachPoint will be shut down in order to enter the offerings for this day and you will not be able to access the PD Tracking module mentioned in the registration directions until registration begins.
Once again there will be a Design Your Own professional development session. You have several options: you might work independently or work collaboratively with others on one or more sessions, and/or you may choose to work on different topics during different sessions. In addition to registering for a Design Your Own professional development session in Vector/TeachPoint, participants must also complete this google form to describe their proposal. Please submit a separate Google form for each topic that you are proposing to work on. If you are working with others, only one person per group needs to submit a form with all participant names listed on the form. Participants may work on the same topic for one session or multiple sessions. This google form must be submitted by April 8, 2022.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] who will be happy to help you.
Here’s to a great day of training!
The WREA Professional Development Committee
Kara Bolduc, Jane Daly, Brendan Keenan, Chris LaBreck, Linda Sasso, Jennifer Tellier