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2022-2023 PD Proposal Form open, and 5/9 PD Survey Reminder 

Dear WRSD Staff,


Now available, please view our information on how to propose requests for 2022-2023 professional development: WRSD 2022-2023 PD Proposal Form.  A reminder that our two District Staff Development Days for the 2022-2023 school year are Monday, August 29, 2022 and Tuesday, November 8, 2022.


As a reminder, here is the link to our brief district professional development survey.  We have already had 239 responses so far! Please complete this survey by Friday, May 13th.  The purpose of this survey is to gather information regarding the quality of the professional development in which you have engaged.  This information will be used to guide future professional development.  Your individual responses will be treated confidentially.  A summary of survey results will be shared in the next edition of the WREA PD Committee Smore Newsletter.

Information on the Design Your Own Professional Development Session(s):

WRSD Staff who selected the Design Your Own Professional Development option should enter their session information upon completion directly into their Vector Solutions/TeachPoint account in order to document their PDPs by following these instructions

Posted by jane_daly On 11 May, 2022 at 2:49 PM