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August 29, 2022 PD Day 

Creating Classroom Connections

“Time to Regroup”

Wachusett Regional School District

August 29th PreK-8 Professional Development Sessions

8:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Various locations are listed below.  For those reporting to Mountview Middle School, here is a link to a map of the school. 

Good afternoon,


We are pleased to present our In-PERSON PreK-8 Agenda for the upcoming August 29thProfessional Development Day. The day will run from 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM, and this includes a 30-minute time period for lunch (BYOL).  Please bring your laptop/charger and ear buds (if attending any virtual sessions).

View this document for more information that contains more details including course titles, descriptions, times and locations.

Almost all PreK-8 educators will gather at Mountview Middle School. 

Exceptions: Grades 3-5 teachers who use Fountas and Pinnell in their classrooms will receive follow-up training provided on F & P Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study.  
Grade 3 teachers will meet in the Davis Hill Library, 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Grade 4 teachers will meet in the Dawson Library, 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Grade 5 teachers will meet in the Mayo Library, 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Nurses will meet at Glenwood Library, 8:00 AM- 2:30 PM

August 29th will be an opportunity to “regroup” after the last two and a half years.  

* Teachers implementing new programs such as Fountas and Pinnell in Grades 3-5, Reveal Math in Grades 6-8, and Inspire Science in Grades 6-8, will attend full-day professional development.  
There will also be classrooms reserved for district-wide subject area/grade level educators.  In those classrooms, educators can choose to work collaboratively on curriculum, and/or access previously developed resources.  This includes:
2021 ESSER II funded Summer Curriculum Work.
View or “Re-View” recorded PD sessions from last year’s professional development days.  Please see the posted videos here and be sure to complete a Webinar Reflection Form  and download for PDP
Investigate the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth site.  We have a district membership.

On page 3 of the August 29, 2022 PD Offerings document, you will find a description of four PD offerings which you will be able to register for using this Google Form. If interested in any of these 2-hour opportunities, please register no later than August 24th, first come, first served. If you have any questions about the sign-ups, please email [email protected].

As a reminder, Wachusett Regional High School educators will be meeting in their building that day.


Here’s to a great day where we can all regroup and begin the 2022-2023 school year with a fresh start!

Jane L. Daly
Deputy Superintendent 
for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Wachusett Regional School District
1745 Main St.
Jefferson, MA 01522
508-829-1670 x253
Posted by jane_daly On 22 August, 2022 at 9:31 AM