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K-5 Curriculum Updates 

Why has the K-5 Eureka PD been scheduled this year? 

….and other K-5 Curriculum Updates


On DESE District Profiles, you will now find information on curriculum materials used for the majority of instruction in Gr. K-5 Foundational Reading, Gr. K-8 ELA, Gr. K-12 Math, and Gr. 6-8 Science and Tech Engineering.  Here is the link to Wachusett’s information:


Curriculum matters and High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) make a real difference in student learning!  “Access to high-quality, standards-aligned curricular materials can significantly improve student outcomes, especially when teachers have the professional learning opportunities they need to make the most of those materials.”  There are two organizations we use which provide reports and reviews of instructional materials in ELA, Math, and Science..  The first source I suggest you go to is DESE’s CURATE (Curriculum Ratings by Teachers).  CURATE reports result from the convening of panels of Massachusetts teachers who review and rate evidence on the quality and alignment of specific curricular materials.  EdReports is a national independent nonprofit organization who also provides teacher-informed reports on instructional materials in ELA, Math, and Science.  As EdReports originated first, they have more programs which have been reviewed.


Our current Gr. K-5 Eureka Math program is a High Quality Instructional Material, and therefore it qualified for DESE's Accelerating Math Instruction funding opportunity.  Our district applied and received that grant in order to be able to have all the materials and professional development we need to implement this program with efficacy.  The Eureka Math program includes online licenses for teachers and students which includes access to assessments, and a workbook set of three items for each student: Learn, Practice, and Succeed workbooks.  


Last year, I found teachers were accessing the online resources through different platforms, and this meant they had different functionality and sometimes were using different online resources.  Usage reports also showed sporadic use of the online resources by students.  From the district textbook order made in the summer of 2021, I noticed that a few schools received all three workbooks, but many only received the Learn workbook, while another only received the Succeed workbook.  All teachers also did not receive professional development when the program was first implemented.  Since that first year of implementation, additional online resources have also been added to the program to complement instructional delivery of student learning.  


On November 8th, we have the opportunity and resources to “regroup” and provide a full-day of professional development on the full K-5 Eureka Math program.  In this way, all Teachers of Math will participate in professional development on Tier I instruction in Math in Grades K-5.  It is understood there are multiple different levels of understanding of the current instructional practices that the different aspects of the program provides.  Some of you are experts, others may be very knowledgeable about most program components but perhaps not all (seeing them for the first time this year) and others are novices.  One of the sessions is a Launch, for those who would benefit from an introduction to the program.  The other sessions are broken up by grade levels to allow for teachers from across the district to share their knowledge and collaborate on best practices when designing lessons.  For those who are already program experts, your willingness to share your knowledge and support your fellow teachers in planning high-quality lessons will be invaluable.  


In the spring, there is one more two-hour Eureka Math professional development session which will take place during the February 1 half-day.  After February 1, I’ll be sending out a survey to all of our Gr K-5 teachers of Math on the Eureka Math Professional Development and various curriculum material program components to determine usage and gain insight on any needed next steps.  




Other Information:


To read more about the district’s work and efforts in K-5 ELA, view this update on the ELA Community of Practice, and this link to Science of Reading Instructional Resources, meant to supplement our Fountas and Pinnell program.  This program had been rated higher in the past by EdReports, but was recently reviewed again.  Therefore we have used Title II grant funds for the work of an ELA Community of Practice, who meet and plan on how to best inform and lead their peers in learning and adopting the skills needed for implementation of the K-5 Fountas and Pinnell program with evidence based practices for Literacy.



Based on our District’s Textbook Plan, we will soon be looking for volunteers to join a committee to review and adopt a Gr. 5 History text, watch for more information in November.

Posted by jane_daly On 11 October, 2022 at 3:45 PM