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MTSS and Tier II Literacy Suggested Activities 
Dear K-5 Teachers,
We are reaching out with some information on Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and instructional practices in literacy.
High-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction for all students is the foundation for teaching and learning within all of our classrooms in the Wachusett Regional School District.  Instruction comes from data-based decision making and the implementation of the MTSS (Multi-tiered system of support).  

Tier 2 supports occur in addition to the supports that are provided and available to all students in Tier 1 settings.  These supports are generally done in small groups and include additional opportunities to practice the skills necessary for core instruction or strategies for enrichment.  The need to provide these supports is based on data from universal screeners, diagnostic assessments, progress monitoring, or how a student responds to general Tier 1 classroom instruction.  Tier 2 supports do not replace Tier 1, however they build on and target focused skills to support student’s growth in literacy and improve outcomes.  

Research from The National Center on Intensive Intervention (2018) indicates that the following principles of Reading Instruction Intervention embedded within instructional routines should be followed for improved student outcomes in literacy.  

  • Explicit instruction
  • Systematic instruction
  • Precise, simple language
  • Repeated opportunities to practice, build fluency, and review
  • Frequent opportunities to respond and interact
  • Specific error correction and feedback

For providing Tier 2 instruction, teachers will use research-based, high quality instructional materials (HQIM) when providing small group instruction.  Here is a link to a list of suggested activities, practices,  and information to support Tier 2 literacy instruction within the classroom setting.  

Posted by jane_daly On 18 October, 2022 at 9:15 AM