When we give excellent teachers High Quality Instructional Materials there is a significant impact on student learning! Wachusett has a District Textbook Plan, which is posted on our District Website. This school year we planned for a MS ELA Program Adoption. A committee was formed last May and has met voluntarily since then to follow the IMplement MA process to evaluate and select HQIM in ELA. We worked together to understand the importance of adopting HQIM, and then developed the following instructional vision and linked document which also lists our parameters and priorities. This information drove our decision-making as we evaluated various programs before we made our final selection.
MS ELA Instructional Vision
Wachusett Regional School District students are empowered with the understanding that reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are their pathway to knowledge.
- We engage students in high-quality, culturally responsive texts to promote critical thinking, while scaffolding to bridge gaps and develop independence.
- We provide students with opportunities to be creative and purposeful through speaking and writing to become effective communicators.
- We guide our students to access background knowledge and context in order to build vocabulary for long term success.
Through encouragement and feedback, students will persevere in the face of challenges to grow as college and career-ready, productive citizens.
After careful consideration, your MS ELA Committee has selected Amplify ELA for Grades 6-8.
- We are currently planning for an initial in-person full day professional development day to take place this Spring, in order for you to be ready to implement the new program at the beginning of next school year, and will update you as soon as dates are confirmed.
- We will be posting for ten ELA Community of Practice positions this Spring for teachers to help in planning program implementation.
- We are also able to offer opportunities for a limited number of staff to pilot a unit in May. Complete this google form if interested in participating in the May pilot.
- In the meantime, samples for you to view the materials have been sent to each of our schools.
- In addition, at the end of this email you will find information on how to preview the online materials and resources.
Thank you to the ELA Textbook Adoption Committee for their hard work and dedication in making this important decision!!!
MS ELA Adoption Committee
Ashley Derosier, JaimeeLynn Flanders, Taylor Holland, Amy Holwell, Sarah Kissell, Anne Melanson, Patricia Munzner, Jennifer Tellier, Ryan Zagami, Matthew Haynes, Jodi Brunelle, Amy Norton, David Cornacchioli, Jane Daly
How To log into the curriculum website:
- Using a Google Chrome or Safari web browser, go to learning.amplify.com and select “Log in with Amplify”. (Note, if your school uses multiple Amplify products, you may also use my.amplify.com to locate all products in one place.)
- Enter the following information:
Teacher username: [email protected].net
Teacher password: Amplify1-wachusett1
Student username: [email protected].net
Student password: Amplify1-wachusett1
Please note, these demo accounts expire on: March 30, 2023
Resources to get started:
- Enjoy a navigation video Navigation Walkthrough.
- To learn more and to also see print-version samples. Reviewer’s website.
- Once logged in, check out the Professional Learning Site to see a ton of teaching tools such
as demo lessons and pacing guides.
If you have any questions along the way, please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]