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AHERA Managment

AHERA Management

The U.S. EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA under the Federal Code of Regulation 40 CFR 763.93g(4)) requires that building occupants be notified annually of the presence of asbestos in the building and the availability of the Asbestos Management Plan. A copy of the Management Plan is available for review in the School’s Office or at the School District’s Central Office (located at: 1745 Main Street – Jefferson, MA 01522). The Management Plan identifies the types and locations of asbestos in the building, and identifies inspections, sampling data, and response actions taken by the District.

AHERA Plan Notification

School Asbestos Management Plans

Jefferson Elementary School

Naquag Elementry School

Paxton Center School

Thomas Prince School

School Non-Asbestos Management Plans 

Central Tree Middle School

Chocksett Middle School

Davis Hill Elementary School

Dawson Elementary School

Glenwood Elementary School

Houghton Elementary School

Mayo Elementary School

Mountview Middle School

Wachusett Regional High School