- Allergic food and environmental reactions can span a wide range of severity of
symptoms. The most severe and potentially life-threatening reaction is anaphylaxis.
- Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening medical condition occurring in allergic individuals after exposure to their specific allergen. Anaphylaxis refers to a collection of symptoms affecting multiple body systems, some of which are potentially fatal. The most common causes of anaphylaxis in children includes allergies to food; most commonly peanuts, tree nuts, milk, egg, dairy products, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish. Other causes of anaphylaxis include stinging insects, medication, latex and unknown etiologies.
- The Wachusett Regional School District cannot guarantee an allergen-free
environment for all students with LTAs. Our goal is to minimize the risk of
exposure to food allergens that pose a threat to those students, educate the
community, and maintain and regularly update a system-wide protocol for
responding to their needs, and provide necessary accommodations.
- These guidelines assume that managing life threatening allergies in the
schools is a shared responsibility among students, parents, principals,
teachers, custodians, school staff, transportation staff, and health care
-Creating adequate plans and producing staff who are knowledgeable
regarding preventive measures and are well prepared to handle severe
allergic reactions and can save the life of a child.
WRSD Policy - Life Threatening Allergies
WRSD Allergy Awareness Protocol
Forms -
Emergency Health Care Plan
Transportation Form
Extra Curricular Activity Form
Meal Modification Forms