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Massachusetts Department of Health Concussion Information

WRSD Concussion Letter and School Instructions
WRSD Concussion Policy
WRSD Concussion Protocol
Physician Concussion School Recommendation

Head Injury Guide

Pre-Participation Head Injury/Concussion Reporting Form for Extracurricular Athletic Activities 
This form should be completed by the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s). Please submit this form to the Athletic Director, or official designated by the school, prior to the start of each season a student plans to participate in an extracurricular athletic activity.

Report of Head Injury During Sports Season Form 
For Coaches: Please complete this form immediately after the game or practice for head injuries that result in the student being removed from play due to a possible concussion. For Parents/Guardians: Please complete this form if your child has a head injury outside of school related extracurricular athletic activities. 

Post Sports-Related Head Injury Medical Clearance and Authorization Form
For parents and students: Please have your medical care provider complete this form and return it to your Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer, or School Nurse.