Personnel Management - Policy Series 5000
- P5100 Personnel Policy Goals
- P5211 Job Descriptions
- P5221 Promotion, Recruitment, and Selection
- P5222 Evaluation of Principals
- P5231.1 Attendance
- P5232 Safety
- P5233.1 Employee Use of District Fitness Equipment
- P5234.1 Employee Use of Information Technology
- P5236 Domestic Violence Leave Policy
- P5240 Fraud Prevention Policy
(Fraud Hotline -- (508) 829-1670, extension 281)
- P5241 Rules of Conduct
- P5241.11 Standards for Employment
- P5241.12 Background Checks
- P5241.3 Employee Conflict of Interest
- P5241.41 Drug-free Workplace Policy
- P5241.6 Staff Participation in Political and Union Activities
- P5241.75 Staff Complaints and Grievances
- P5241.8 Gifts to Staff Members
- P5241.9 Employee Communicable Disease and Serious Illness
- P5251 Professional Development
- P5251.14 First Aid Training for Coaches
- P5252 Physical Restraint
- P5261 Salary Guides
- P5262 Salary Checks and Deductions
- P5264.1 Payment or Reimbursement for Meals
- P5271.2 Health Insurance - Surviving Spouse
- P5273 Transportation of Employees
- P5273.1 Alternative to Travel and Travel Expense Reduction
- P5273.2 Reimbursement Mileage, Parking, Tolls
- P5273.3 Employee Travel for Workshops, Conferences, Visitations
- P5274 Unrepresented Non-Contract Employees
- P5281.7 Leaving the Building During the School Day
- P5281.8 Small Necessities Leave
- P5290.1 Superintendent and Executive Staff Vacation Policy
- P5410 Substitute Employees